Would You Switch Your Delivery Van to Electric?

There are more delivery drivers on the road than ever before. This means that there are more vans on the road too. The DVLA estimate that the total number of vans on UK roads has exceeded 4 million for the first time. One fifth of all road traffic is vans. This means...

Introducing your Local Broker

Where do you go when you need insurance? If you are likemost people, you either go on the internet, search around a bit, and thenchoose a name you’ve heard of – or, ask a friend, and hope they know someone.Wouldn’t it be easier if you could contact someone nearby, who...
Flood Insurance Could Get Cheaper for Consumers

Flood Insurance Could Get Cheaper for Consumers

Living in a flood-risk area can be an extremely stressful experience. Your home is at much greater risk of damage than almost anyone else’s. That’s what Flood Insurance is for. Flood Insurance accepts that your house is a higher risk than most, but covers you anyway....
How to Stay Safe in the Dark

How to Stay Safe in the Dark

As winter drags on, and the nights stay dark and cold, drivers spend much of their time in the dark. Sat in our cars, even with headlights blazing, the darkness pulls in around us. It can seem as if all of our time spent out of work is on a dark road. It is not easy....