An Insurance Broker is a person or company registered as an adviser on matters of insurance. A person who is an arranger of insurance cover with an insurer on behalf of a client.

What Brokers Specialise in:

All brokers specialise in a type of non-standard insurance with us at Alternative Insurance Brokers specialising in Impounded Car Insurance. This makes a broker different to a standard insurance company as a standard insurance company doesn’t specialise in a field of insurance.

Relationship with Insurers:

As a broker, its crucial to have a strong relationship with our insurers to get you the best deals possible. All brokers use a wide range of insurers for the same reason as allows us to search through the best possible offers for yourself as if we don’t get good deals from the insurer then the likelihood of getting a sale is reduced considerably.

Relationship with Customer:

Like in every business you need a good relationship with the consumer. At Alternative Insurance Brokers that is no different with customer satisfaction our priority. Brokers need a good relationship with the consumer as firstly without them they make no money, and secondly a better relationship with the customer leads to a higher chance of repeated purchases with the same broker.

The Process:

From getting a quote the process if done correctly is relatively fast. After the quote, we pass on the information to the insurer who then processes the best possible deal for the consumer. This is then returned by email to one of our team who looks through each option they received. They call the consumer with the details of the deal and if successful the whole process is complete by payment.

We hope you found this useful and if you would like a quote from us call 01613882520. You can also fill out this form and we will get in touch for further information.